Bride Practices in the Baltic Countries

December 1, 2023

The Baltic countries ( Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia ) have plenty of fun and specific wedding traditions. In the past getting married was a lengthy event that included german girls working with a metropolis match to discover a wedding and arranging a bride, followed by a service and banquet that could last for two days! While this tradition has streamlined quite a bit today, some fun and colorful methods like poultry parties and mask giving are also enclosed into the working day estonian mail order brides.

After the service, many people release a pair of dove as a symbol of love and hope for their fresh career jointly. Another current pattern is to position a plug with your name, ceremony deadline and individual commitments of adore on a viaduct and throw the essential in the river. This symbolizes everlasting enjoy and each year the wires of Lithuanian roads become significantly heavier with more and more doors!

Kanepes Films proprietor, Aldis Kanepe, has been a videographer for various weddings in the Baltic States and shares that Latvians are particularly appreciative of household- oriented celebrations. ” They’re not afraid to make their wedding a grand occasion, inviting the complete lengthened household”, he says. ” They believe that a marriage should be a celebration of love and the joys of life”.

One of the biggest traditions in Lithuania is the commitment period, which is much shorter than in other cultures and is meant to give the bride- to- get time to get to know her future husband greater. During this time, the couple will exchange gifts that may range from silk scarves to wooden utensils. They will also be presenting each other with rings, signifying their commitment to each other. In addition to this, it is customary for the groom to present the bride with a bouquet of flowers in order to express his affections and anticipation for the wedding day.